Out & About During a Session
Saturday sessions are busy and you are sharing the circuit and trails with a large number of riders. Whether you are a circuit rider in the Gold or Silver groups, practicing Bronze Development skills on the apron, or out with the cyclo-cross or mountain bikers – you all have a responsibility to consider your safety and that of your fellow members. This applies at the club, during off-site sessions, as well as during races where you are representing Slipstreamers.

When you are on the circuit, please do NOT shout “Stay Left” or “Stay Right” on the circuit. A simple non-directional shout of “Stay There” is both clearer and safer! Also when group riding both on the circuit and on the MTB trails, we encourage communication – but please keep conversation focused, polite and non-offensive. We will not tolerate profanity or bullying of any kind, so keep it friendly. Your performance as a Slipstreamer member is sometimes more important than your cycling performance!

This is the single most important rule of cycling on the circuit/ trails. When you have finished your ride and are moving off from where you were riding to dismount, look around to ensure it is safe first. Equally, while you are riding with the mountain bikers, or simply coming off the circuit from the trails – keep your eyes out for pedestrians and be mindful of your fellow riders. Not being observant can cause a serious accident, and this is a skill that everyone should use at all time when on a bike – be it on track, in the woods, or on the road!

We are very proud of our Slipstreamers, and the general way in which you all conduct yourselves – indeed, this has been commented on by race officials, BC commissaries, and the general cycling community. Whether you are out and about on the apron, circuit or with the mountain bikers, talking to the mechanics, asking the canteen ladies for a snack, or milling about the clubhouse, we expect you all to be courteous, respectful and helpful to one another at all times. After all, we are here sharing in a common passion so let’s ensure it is not ruined for anyone!