by M G | Aug 25, 2024 | Club Championships, Racing - General, Track, Chatter Box Corner
The final round of the Club Champs series is almost upon us, with round 5 taking place on Saturday 23rd of November 2024 at the Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. This is always a very exciting set of races, and we hope this year will see many more of you who are...
by M G | Aug 20, 2024 | Training & Education, Track, Chatter Box Corner
We have confirmed dates for our off-site velodrome track coaching sessions at Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. These are open to all Slipstreamers Members, with Calshot perfect for absolute beginners to track. Our Coaches are very experienced in teaching novices, who...
by M G | Sep 25, 2023 | Club Championships, Slipstreamers in Action, Track, Chatter Box Corner
The final round of the Club Champs series is almost upon us, with round 5 taking place on Sunday 19th of November 2023 at the Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. This is always a very exciting set of races, and we hope this year will see many more of you who are...
by M G | Aug 25, 2023 | Important Announcements, Club Championships, Racing - General, Track, Chatter Box Corner, MTB Cross-Country, Time Trials, Circuit/ Road
It’s that time of the year again, where ALL Slipstreamers Members – regardless of age or race experience – have the opportunity to challenge themselves in 5 cycling categories i.e. Skills, Time Trials, Road, Mountain Bike, Track; with a view to becoming the...
by M G | Jul 24, 2023 | Track, Training & Education, Chatter Box Corner
We have confirmed dates for our off-site velodrome track coaching sessions at Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. These are open to all Slipstreamers Members, with Calshot perfect for absolute beginners to track. Our Coaches are very experienced in teaching novices, who...
by M G | Aug 26, 2022 | Track, Training & Education, Chatter Box Corner
We have confirmed dates for our off-site velodrome track coaching sessions at Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. These are open to all Slipstreamers Members, with Calshot perfect for absolute beginners to track. Our Coaches are very experienced in teaching novices, who...
by M G | Oct 26, 2021 | Club Championships, Track, Chatter Box Corner
The final round of the Club Champs series is almost upon us, with round 5 taking place on Sunday 21st November 2021 at the Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. This is always a very exciting set of races, and we hope this year will see many more of you who are eligible...
by M G | Sep 21, 2021 | Track, Chatter Box Corner
We have confirmed dates for our off-site velodrome track coaching sessions at Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. These are open to all Slipstreamers Members, with Calshot perfect for absolute beginners to track. Our Coaches are very experienced in teaching novices, who...
by M G | Sep 4, 2019 | Track, Chatter Box Corner
We have confirmed dates for our off-site velodrome track coaching sessions at Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. These are open to all Slipstreamers Members, with Calshot perfect for absolute beginners to track. Our Coaches are very experienced in teaching novices, who...
by M G | Jan 8, 2019 | Training & Education, Track, Chatter Box Corner
This is a reminder of the confirmed dates for our off-site velodrome track coaching sessions at Calshot Velodrome in Southampton for Winter 2019. These are open to all Slipstreamers Members, with Calshot perfect for absolute beginners to track. Our Coaches are very...
by Web Admin | Nov 9, 2018 | Important Announcements, Racing - General, Track, Chatter Box Corner
The final round of the Club Champs series is almost upon us, with round 5 taking place on Saturday 17th November 2018 from 2pm at the Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. This is always a very exciting set of races, and we hope this year will see many more of you who...
by M G | Sep 6, 2018 | Track, Training & Education, Chatter Box Corner, Fun Corner
We have confirmed dates for our off-site velodrome track coaching sessions at Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. These are open to all Slipstreamers Members, with Calshot perfect for absolute beginners to track. Our Coaches are very experienced in teaching novices, who...
by Web Admin | Mar 30, 2018 | Important Announcements, Track, Training & Education
If you’ve never given track inside a velodrome a go, then our track coaching session on Sunday 8th April 2018 at Calshot Velodrome in Southampton is just for you. This session is open to all Slipstreamers Members and a few invited sister clubs, with Calshot...
by Web Admin | Nov 17, 2017 | Important Announcements, Club Championships, Racing - General, Track, Chatter Box Corner
The final round of the Club Champs series is almost upon us, with round 5 taking place on Saturday 25th November 2017 from 2.30pm at the Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. This is always a very exciting set of races, and we hope this year will see many more of you who...
by Web Admin | May 1, 2017 | Track, Training & Education, Chatter Box Corner
We have managed to acquire a morning track coaching session at Lee Valley on Saturday 13th May 2017, from 8am until 10am, for those of you like to rise and shine with the early birds! This session is open to all Slipstreamers Members aged 10 years and older with some...
by Web Admin | Feb 28, 2017 | Important Announcements, Slipstreamers in Action, Track, Training & Education, Chatter Box Corner
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by Web Admin | Jan 13, 2017 | Important Announcements, Slipstreamers in Action, Track
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by Web Admin | Nov 25, 2016 | Club Championships, Slipstreamers in Action, Racing - General, Track, Chatter Box Corner
For the very first time, we broke with tradition of holding the final Club Championship races during an afternoon and instead opted for a Saturday early evening slot inside the infamous Calshot Velodrome. Of course, not breaking with tradition this time of year, the...
by Web Admin | Nov 16, 2016 | Club Championships, Slipstreamers in Action, Racing - General, Track, Chatter Box Corner
Four events down (Skills, Time Trials, Circuit and MTB), and we prepare for the final event of this year’s Club Champs series: Track Races on Saturday 19th November. This year, we have an evening slot meaning it will be dark outside, but the orange glow of the...
by Web Admin | Aug 12, 2016 | Important Announcements, Track, Chatter Box Corner
We have confirmed the following dates for our off-site velodrome track sessions at Calshot in Southampton and Derby Arena in Derby. These are open to all Slipstreamers Members, with Calshot perfect for beginners and Derby just an awesome place to ride if you...