by Web Admin | Mar 9, 2016 | Rider Reports, Special Reports, Celebrations & Awards, MTB Cross-Country
During the past year, mountain biking at Slipstreamers has grown from infancy to a fully fledged discipline in it’s own right, with the Club’s “Mudslingers” growing in numbers. Opportunities such as monthly Swinley Forest social rides, Dews...
by Web Admin | Dec 12, 2015 | Young Volunteering, Rider Reports, Event Features, Special Reports, Club Championships, Volunteer Features, Slipstreamers in Action, Chatter Box Corner, MTB Cross-Country, Volunteering
The Mountain Bike Club Champs is always a favourite on the champs calendar – and this year was no exception on the 14th November. This was also the first time we hosted open Go-Ride XC races at the club, and whilst the atrocious weather kept a few riders away in...
by Web Admin | Oct 27, 2015 | Fun Adventures, Event Features, Rider Reports, Special Reports, Volunteer Features, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country, Fun Corner, Club Social Rides
“What if we facilitated an off-site WEEKEND away?” the MTB Coaches mused. “The Roadies do this every year when they travel to Assen – why not the Mudslingers?” exclaimed the children! “What if we explore the opportunity for our...
by Web Admin | Jun 23, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country, Fun Corner, General Cycling Fun
Event Report: Tour de Vale – 7th June 2015 By Zoe Allsop, Slipstreamers MTB Coach On Sunday 7th June, Slipstreamers siblings Lucy and Katie completed an awesome ride in the Tour de Vale! Lucy was on a bit of a mission! We started with the first wave for the...
by Web Admin | Jun 5, 2015 | Important Announcements, Training & Education, Chatter Box Corner, MTB Cross-Country
The last session was in September 2014 [check out the blog post for this], but we now have the dates booked, and are ready to start taking bookings for the monthly off-site Dews Farm MTB sessions at Dews Farm Quarry in Harefield, UB9 6JN! YAY! A few things to...
by Web Admin | Jun 5, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country, General Cycling Fun
May Half-Term Lookout Ride in Swinley By Rafael Garcia, U10 Slipstreamer I had the best time at the session organised by British Cycling in Swinley. I would like to go there again as soon as possible! It was awesome! Here are some pictures taken at the end of the...
by Web Admin | May 15, 2015 | Important Announcements, MTB Cross-Country, Fun Corner, General Cycling Fun
It’s that time again – British Cycling are putting on 2 MTB session to keep you busy during the May half term holiday, and these have been confirmed as per below. Mac’s sessions are very popular and immense fun for everyone, as attested by Maddie...
by Web Admin | May 15, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country, General Cycling Fun
By Seth Kanaris, U14 Slipstreamers Mudslinger “For me, it’s all about the Mountain Biking (MTB). I think I have always preferred the thrill of ripping down a trail and being in the air as opposed to smashing a personal best round a circuit – respect to those who...
by Web Admin | Apr 23, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, Racing - General, MTB Cross-Country
By Seth Kanaris, U14 Mudslinger On Saturday 18th April, my Mum and I both drove for about 4 hours from Buckinghamshire down to Devon, so I could compete in Round 2 of the BC National XC series at Newnham Park on Sunday. I was actually looking forward to this one for a...
by Web Admin | Apr 10, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country
By Seth Kanaris, U14 Mudslinger So on Sunday the 29th March, I attended my first ever BC national series XC race up in Sherwood Pines in Nottingham! The build-up was quite nerve-racking: I spent almost every day on the turbo making sure I was in good shape, but what...
by Web Admin | Apr 9, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country
By Seth Kanaris, U14 Mudslinger The mountain bike XC season is now in full swing, with the Gorrick Spring Series behind us, Southern XC in progress with the Crow Hill round in the New Forest coming up end of April, and of course the BC MTB XC National Series already...
by Web Admin | Apr 2, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country, Fun Corner, Club Social Rides
Whitney sisters Grace and Alice joined the regular monthly crowd at the Lookout on the 22nd March [click here to read John and Finn’s report] and goodness did they have a fun ride! Both young ladies rode with the fast group all morning, kept up, and after 11...
by Web Admin | Apr 2, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country, Fun Corner, Club Social Rides
Sunday the 22nd March was a busy one for the club with many of our members at Calshot or out and about racing! However, a few Slipstreamers took advantage of the bright and dry sunny morning, and ventured out to Swinley Forest for the monthly family social mountain...
by Web Admin | Mar 13, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, Training & Education, Chatter Box Corner, MTB Cross-Country
We’ve all heard of them, and we know it’s not a simple feat to get onto one – discipline specific RSRs expect you to earn your place, so you would have had to have worked really hard to meet very specific performance criteria, and demonstrate you...
by Web Admin | Mar 11, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country
Southern XC Series, Round 1: Black Park – 1st March Black Park was abuzz on Sunday the 1st, with hundreds of keen and enthusiastic XC racers coming out to enjoy the beautiful sunny morning and take in the electric atmosphere. The course was laid on by West...
by Web Admin | Feb 27, 2015 | Fun Adventures, Rider Reports, Special Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country, Club Social Rides
A bright Sunday morning, the normally 3rd Sunday of the month social ride took place on the 22nd February 2015 (the next one is on the 15th March so do save the date!). As usual, the group consisted of an enthusiastic bunch of “Lookout” regulars plus a few...
by Web Admin | Feb 20, 2015 | Young Volunteering, Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country, Volunteering
Helping out at the BC “Basic Mountain Bike Skills for Beginners and Improvers” Course in Amersham By Seth Kanaris, British Cycling Young Volunteer Today (Thursday 19th February), I went to a MTB skills development course for beginners/ improvers, but as an...
by Web Admin | Feb 20, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country
As part of the British Cycling Central Region Holiday Programme, Mac and Josie hosted a 1-day coaching session for MTB beginners/ improvers at Hervines Park in Amersham. This was supported by the usual pool of highly qualified BC coaches including our very own MTB...
by Web Admin | Feb 20, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country
On the 18th February, British Cycling organised an advanced mountain biking skills session at Aston Hill, led by BC Coaches and including Coach Ian Warby of Firecrest MTB. A number of Slipstreamers attended what was a rather muddy but super fun session. But...
by Web Admin | Feb 13, 2015 | Rider Reports, Slipstreamers in Action, MTB Cross-Country
8th February 2015: Gorrick Spring Series Round 2, Crowthorne Wood, Berkshire Rider Report by Seth Kanaris, Juvenile Boys Category So today was my second race of the Gorrick Spring Series, and I must say that I was quite nervous about it beforehand. Despite having...