This will be held on Saturday 7th March, in the clubhouse classroom, starting at the end of the regular session around 12pm. This is the most important meeting on the Club calendar, and is where, among other things, the Club Officials report on the previous year’s activities, and when a new Committee is elected. ALL members are welcome to attend the AGM, so do come along and have a say in who runs YOUR club. Parents do the voting on behalf of their children, and there is one vote per family.
Now we know the idea of a meeting sounds booooring, but there is always generally very lively discussion, it’s a fantastic opportunity to gain some insight into the various Committee roles, and equally to find out what is coming up and thoughts regarding where the club is headed for the future. The AGM will be followed immediately by a normal Committee meeting, and you will be very welcome to sit in on that too if you wish, to get an even closer look.
Be there. You know you want to!