It’s Assessment Saturday Riders!

It’s that time again Members… Assessment Saturday has arrived (11 October 2014) and ALL GROUPS will be undergoing assessments this weekend. It’s your opportunity to show off your superb skills gained after weeks and weeks of practice, and your coaches are very much looking forward to see you all in action. Once you are signed on, please do not dillydally, but rather make your way straight to where you need to be, ready for your warm-up by 9.30am sharp, as follows:

  • Bronze (road bikes only), Silver and Gold Groups: Meet in the front of the clubhouse, as normal
  • Bronze (mountain bikes only), plus the usual mountain bikers: Meet outside the mechanics’ hut
  • Inductees (new riders) from last weekend: Return to the approach road where you were doing your induction for further instruction and allocation
  • Approach road riders not doing assessments: Return to the approach as usual

If you aren’t sure where to go, simply come and talk to the sign-on crew after you’ve signed on, and we will help you.

Once you have all been grouped and warmed up accordingly, assessments will take place promptly at 10am, and will be in progress until 10:45am. During this time the circuit may be split to accommodate all skills levels. At 10:45am the circuit will be opened up again for the second part of the session.

Silvers: You will be having a full assessment i.e. the first half of the session will be as normal on the circuit, with the 2nd half being at the clubhouse for a full BCE (bike, clothing & equipment) knowledge session covering all modules in the same day. Should be an interesting day and we hope to pass a lot of people through BCE, and see as many people as possible reach the Gold standard of riding. See you there.

Reminders from your coaches:

  • Do not be late please, as this will impact the rest of your group.
  • READ your passport booklets before the session so that you understand the demands and the key coaching points the assessors will be looking for.
  • Make sure you follow the safety guidelines (click here), particularly the sections on sustenance and rest.
  • Relax and breathe deeply – you will be fine. Have FUN and ENJOY your session!

Parents: we’d like to remind you to please stand back during assessments and NOT interfere in the sessions or question the coaches’ methods – they are all British Cycling qualified and know exactly what to look for during these sessions. If you’d like a reminder of the Parents’ Code of Conduct to which you have signed up, where this is clearly stated, please click here, or do come and ask the sign-on team for a copy.

For future assessment dates, always refer to the calendar on the Clubhouse noticeboard.