The Membership Process
Any child aged between 5 and 16 is invited to join the club once they have attended an induction and initial assessment. This is the first stage of a Hillingdon Slipstreamers’ Member journey and no child may join the club without having attended an induction. However, there are a few steps to follow first – we are not a walk-in club, although you are very welcome to visit the club during a Saturday session as an observer to see what we do in action if you are considering joining. In fact, we encourage it!
Step 1: Register your interest to participate
Any openings in Slipstreamers Membership and details of induction dates will be announced online and offered to the general public on a first-come-first-served basis. Please fill in our Online Induction Sign Up Form, and when we have capacity, we will make a limited number of places available to book via the Spond online booking system. Once signed up here, you will be on the list when we issue invitations to our next induction session. This will happen via the Spond App once dates are confirmed.
Step 2: Induction Day
Every child’s journey starts with the Induction Programme. This is when you will find out more about us as well as us understanding a bit more about you and your cycling needs. You will be welcomed by the volunteer staff that will help you adjust to being a Slipstreamer, shown around our excellent facility, and taken through an assessment on your bike so our Coaches can see for themselves where your skills lie.
Some of you may be young riders wanting to get off of your training wheels. Some of you may be seasoned riders coming from another cycling discipline or club. Some of you may just be looking to extend or improve your cycling skills. To us, you will all be welcomed in the same way, and given the opportunity to join one of the greatest youth cycling organisations in the country.
During the induction morning, your cycling skills will be assessed by our Induction Team. During this time, some basic concepts of cycling will be introduced to the rider to ensure they have the very minimum understanding of safety within our environment. All riders, no matter how good you believe you are, are expected to complete an induction under the instruction of our Coaches. This is where we get to know you and vice versa. No inductee is permitted to ride on the circuit during the main sessions until they have completed their induction and have passed the Bronze assessment (once becoming Members); or unless accompanied and/ or signed off by a Coach to do so.
Our aim is to ensure your first experience at the club is friendly and without any hiccups, so we will ensure you are provided with as much information in advance to help you and your child be prepared. This will include details of what to bring along, how to find us and where to park, as well as what to expect on the day. Our expectation of you is that you have come prepared and have read the resources and information provided to you.
Step 3: Trial Period
Once a rider has had an induction, they are invited to trial the club for a further 3 weeks after the induction before taking up full membership. They do not need to decide on the day of the induction if this is what they want. There is no charge for the induction session, but subsequent session attendance will be charged at the weekly session fee of £6. The rider will need to attend for a minimum of 2 sessions after the induction during the trial period before being able to take up membership. This is important to ensure we get to know the rider and vice versa. If after 3 weeks have passed and they do not return or have not taken up membership, their details will be removed from our records.
Step 4: Making the Most of Your Membership
Membership runs from January to December. Once a rider has signed up as a Member, you are issued with a membership number, a passport, and will start to enjoy various additional member only benefits, including progression through the development programme, claiming of race expenses, receipt of the club newsletter, as well as a chance to join the British Cycling for free.
After completion of the induction, and subsequently taking up Slipstreamers membership, new riders will progress through the development programme at a pace to suit the individual. Please do look around our site and familiarise yourself with the aims and demands of Slipstreamers membership.