Rider Development Programme Assessments: January – March 2024

Well done to all of you who took part in the assessments during the first quarter of 2024! Coaches have sent in the names of riders who have moved up a group for both Circuit and MTB assessments, so scroll down for the full list of these. However do keep an eye on this post, as it shall be updated with any new names as Assessments occur throughout the Autumn.

If you don’t see your name on the list below, please don’t despair – not everyone will have progressed to the next level and it is not unusual to remain in the same group for a few cycles. What’s important now is that you keep practising, don’t lose heart, and remember that everyone develops at their own pace; so reflect, keep at it, and bear in mind assessments are not a competition to see who can progress the fastest! Do also please talk to your Coaches and ask them for some feedback – that’s what they are there for, and they will be very happy to help you!

And now, without further ado… Congratulations to the following riders:

Bronze Assessment Passes

Before a member is able to join the Circuit or Mountain Bike squads, they will have to pass their Bronze assessment. Riders who have completed their assessments on the apron, either on a road or flat bar/mountain bikes, are listed below…

On Road Bikes
The following riders have passed their Bronze on their Road Bikes, and are now able to move to Circuit Silver 1 Squad.
Report to Coaches Ted, Michael, Jeremy or Martin.
  • Charlotte Allen
  • Eddie Ireland
  • Elliot Renault
  • Jarvis Griffin
  • Lukas Petrov
  • Sean Mollison
  • Thomas Harrison
  • William Alford


On Mountain Bikes
The following riders have passed their Bronze on their Mountain / Flat Bar Bikes, and are now able to move to MTB Silver Squad.
Report to MTB Coach Mark D, Marco G, Brent S, Michael H
  • Alfie Ward
  • Bertie Vinall
  • Charlotte Allen
  • Eddie Ireland
  • Elliot Renault
  • Filip Wojtal
  • Lukas Petrov
  • Nessie Morrison
  • Sean Mollison
  • Tomasz Wojtal
  • William Alford
  • Zoe Ward


Silver Assessment Passes

Riders who have successfully completed the requirement for promotion from Silver to Gold Squad are listed below. For Circuit riders, this will be a progression from Silver 2 Squad, and for MTB riders, this will be from Silver Squad. Note that progression between Circuit Silver 1 and Silver 2 are not listed below as these do not form part of the assessment cycle.

On Road Bikes
The following riders have passed their Silver 1 assessment on the Circuit, and are now able to move to the Silver 2 Squad.
Report to Coach Ted, Michael, Jeremy or Martin
  • Charlotte Allen
  • Elliot Renault
  • Lukas Petrov
  • Sean Mollison
  • William Alford
The following riders have passed their Silver 2 assessment on the Circuit, and are now able to move to the Circuit Gold Squad.
Report to Coach Sam G or Royce M
  • Charlotte Allen


On Mountain Bikes
The following riders have passed their Silver assessment off-road, and are now able to move to the MTB Gold Squad.
Report to Coach Marco, Brent, Mark, Michael
  • n/a


Gold Assessment Passes

It takes a good long while for riders to progress from Gold Squad to the Gold Plus+ Squad, and we are very pleased to announce those below who have successfully completed the requirement for promotion from Gold to Gold Plus+. their Gold assessment!

On Road Bikes
The following riders have passed their Gold assessment on the Circuit, and are now able to move to the Circuit Gold Plus+ Squad.
Report to Coach Sam G.
  • Edward O’Brien
  • Elliot Renault
  • Theo Liasides
  • Zachary Pickthorne


On Mountain Bikes
The following riders have passed their Gold assessment off-road, and are now able to move to the MTB Gold Plus+ Squad.
Report to MTB Coaches Marco, Brent, Michael, Mark D
  • n/a


And a Reminder – If You Missed Your Assessment…!

Don’t panic! Don’t despair! When you return to the club, let your Coach know that you missed the assessment, and discuss options with them directly. Unfortunately, with us being such a busy club it is not always possible to arrange a special assessment for any one rider after Assessment Saturday, especially as all our sessions are group sessions and not one-to-one for a number of reasons. However, at the discretion of the group lead Coaches, if it’s practical, and depending which group the rider is in, plus a number of other varying factors such as the size of the group and safety conditions, an assessment may be possible. To be clear, this is not a guarantee and it is important to always talk to the coaches.

For future assessment dates, check out the Club Calendar online, talk to the Coaches, and keep an eye out on Twitter for further announcements.