The final round of the Club Champs series is almost upon us, with round 5 taking place on Saturday 23rd of November 2024 at the Calshot Velodrome in Southampton. This is always a very exciting set of races, and we hope this year will see many more of you who are eligible to race (see notes below) attending to give it a go.
If you are planning to race for the very first time at the Calshot Track Champs, please read all the information below to be very clear regarding your eligibility and how to pre-book. Unlike other Club Champs events, you will need to book in advance online so do follow the instructions below for how to do this.
Track Races Club Champs PreBooking Process & Important Info

Track Races Champs
The track races are, as per all other Club Champs races, run under British Cycling regulations. If you are planning to participate in these, be sure to follow this link here to visit our dedicated page that walks you through the rules, eligibility criteria*, how the races work, equipment needed, etc. Do read this so you are absolutely clear on what to expect before you book.
* Every rider shall need to have attended a Slipstreamers coaching session at Calshot in 2024 or be signed off by the Track Coaches to be eligible to race.
Advance Online Booking
All racers must register their place in advance. This is important so we can plan the various groups and assign race numbers and transponders in advance to save time. Click here for Velodrome details with everything you need to know, the event booking shall be sent via Spond, please register and pay by the deadline. Remember, the Club Champs Track Event is only open to those who have completed Calshot training in 2024 or been signed off by the Track Coaches – if you aren’t sure please ask before you book and we will be very happy to advise.
Sign-On: 12.45pm - Calshot Cafe
Please plan your journey with contingency for traffic, and arrive in good time so members can sign on and get ready with minimal fuss. This is not a coaching session, race times are tight, and unfortunately latecomers will not be allowed to sign on. If you are running late for reasons beyond your control, please email with an ETA – please remember if you are very late you may miss your race so it’s best to set out early and prevent unnecessary stress before the race.
- All racers should head to the Calshot Café from 12:45 to start the sign on process and receive a transponder and a race number. Remember you must pre-book your place and pay online in advance by the deadline.
- Sign on will close at 13:25 and all racers should be fed, watered, dressed and ready to go for 13:30.
- Track Champs is an Omnium and timing will be tight. If you are late, you may not be able to race so plan accordingly and expect to be there until 17:30 that evening.
- NOTE: Do not enter the velodrome until called down. The Track Team will let you know when may enter after they have done a risk assessment and set up inside.
Parents/ Guardians…
- You are also expected to sign on once you are inside the velodrome – please do so once your children are settled and grouped. This is necessary for health and safety reasons, so we would appreciate your co-operation in this regard.
Electronic Timing
At sign-on in the café, you will be issued with a race number as well as a race-timing transponder. As per previous Club Champs races you will need to ensure you take extreme care with this, and parents we would appreciate your support when these are issued. The transponder should be affixed to the bike fork on the front wheel, on the side away from the quick release using zip ties that will be provided. There will be volunteers on hand to help, so don’t worry if you’ve never used one before. Once you have completed your races at the end and before you leave the velodrome, you will need to return the transponder immediately to the sign-on desk.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The transponders are expensive (£50 each) and members will not be allowed to sign-on again at the club whilst they have an non-returned transponder recorded. Transponders are issued on the understanding that the rider is responsible for its care and return and assumes acceptance of liability for the cost of replacement in the event of loss.
What is the Schedule for the Track Races?
Riders need to ensure enough time is allocated for sign on in the café, bike collection if you are hiring one from reception, getting dressed and being ready by 13:30 for the Coaches briefing.
Running Order & Event Times - Click to Expand
Good luck to all of you racing. Parents please ensure children taking part are aware of the content in this post and what to expect for their Track event. Have a great race members and don’t forget to prepare your kit bag and get to bed early on Friday night! Once this event is over, all the results will be finalised and collated, ready for the Awards Ceremony in December 2024.
Parents please do ensure children taking part are aware of the content in this post and what to expect. As ever, if you have any questions regarding the Club Championships, feel free to email us. Do also visit the Slipstreamers in Action section of our News Hub for more fantastic reports from our wonderful young writers and cycling adventurers!
As usual, keep an eye out on Twitter for the latest updates and if you have any questions, please contact the Admin Team.