It’s that time of the year again when we kick off our annual Club Championships with the first two events – Skills Challenge and Time Trials – alongside Family Fun Day. A very special day in the Club Calendar – check out our Flickr collection here to enjoy a few photos from recent years – we hope all our Members will be joining us along with siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends – all are welcome – on Saturday, 15th September from 9.30am until 3.30pm for an action packed day of camaraderie, a bit of friendly competition and a whole lot of fun. Plus, for 2018, we have something extra special planned so we do hope you’ll be able to join us for the big reveal on Saturday…
Important: If you are joining us on Saturday, it is going to be super busy, with lots going on. Our aim is to keep things within a schedule, and as such we’ve planned the day accordingly, but if things do run behind or are delayed we thank you in advance for your patience. Please do read on right until the end of this blog to make sure you are clear on the time slots and what to expect, and parents do kindly pass this information onto our members – they are the ones who need to know what is happening!
It promises to be a great day and even the weather looks like it may just be cooperating to ensure a bright and sunny one, so scroll down to find out more about what’s happening, what to expect and how sign on will work…
Club Championships Sign On Process
Sign on times are as noted below, and we will have to be very strict with these – please help avoid disappointment by ensuring you plan your journey with some contingency, and arrive in good time so members can sign on and get ready with minimal fuss. The Admin Team have a LOT to get ready to support the judging teams, and unfortunately latecomers will not be allowed to sign on – as this is not a regular coaching session, there are no exceptions. So if you wish to take part in your event, please be on time.
Club Champs Events
If you are planning on competing, be sure to take note of the event schedule (read on further for this), and the all-important rules for each event. You can find all the need-to-know details on the following pages:
- Click here for what to expect from the Club Champs Skills event
- Click here for what to expect from the Club Champs Time Trial event
Road and mountain bikes will be on loan from the Mechanics. There is no charge for Club Champs.
Sign-On: 8.15am – 9.25am
Whether you are competing in the Time Trial, Skills Challenge or just joining the Fun Day, the sign-on process is the same for everyone. ALL members must make their way to the clubhouse with payment and in good time before sign-on closes. Remember this is not a regular coaching session.
The full process will be explained to you on Saturday, but headlines to note are…
- All members must please sign on as normal with payment and take a number as you normally would.
- If you are doing the Time Trial, make your way to the Mechanics Hut to get your bike gear checked, then head to the apron area to line-up on time.
- If you are doing the Skills event, this starts a bit later but you can start to join in the fun sessions as noted below.
IMPORTANT: Note that anyone who arrives after 9.25am will not be able to sign on as we have a lot of admin to get ready for the race. Please be on time to avoid disappointment and ensure you plan your journey with some contingency for traffic, putting on transponders, gear checks, etc.
Electronic Timing
For the Time Trial Champs, you will be issued with a number at sign-on in the clubhouse as normal, as well as a race-timing transponder at the start line. You will need to ensure you take extreme care with this, and parents we would appreciate your support when these are issued. You will be told at the start line where to fix your transponder to. There will be a few printouts available to help you on the day, and of course a few Volunteers on had as well so don’t worry if you’ve never used one before. Once you have completed your Time Trial, you will need to return the transponder immediately.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The transponders are expensive (£50 each) and members will not be allowed to sign-on again at the club whilst they have an non-returned transponder recorded. Transponders are issued on the understanding that the rider is responsible for its care and return and assumes acceptance of liability for the cost of replacement in the event of loss.
All riders must report to the Mechanics Hut for a gear check AFTER sign on, and any time BEFORE their time-trial start. Do ensure you allow enough time to get this done – see schedule below. Each rider will receive a sticker to indicate that gear checks have been undertaken and these will be checked at the start-line.
Early Warm-Up
There is no early performance session, but there will be an early warm-up taking place on the small 500m loop from 8.30am until 9.20am for all ages who are interested. The warm up will end at 9.20am sharp to allow enough time for riders to cool down and to get to the clubhouse in time for the briefing. Be sure you have signed on first before you join the warm up and plan to allow enough time for gear checks afterwards.

Fun Day Activities & Entertainment
There will be plenty for you and the family to do during the day, so please do join us from 9.30am until around 3.30pm and enjoy the many activities we’ve got planned for the whole family. The weather promises to be cooperate and remain dry for a day of music, competition and fun, good food, and a whole lot more!
PHOTOGRAPHY & MEDIA CONSENT: Note that we will be taking photographs doing the course of the day of club members who have already provided consent. As this is a family fun day and there are likely to be siblings and/ or friends included in these, if you do not want your picture or that of a member’s sibling taken, simply let the photographers we have arranged know at the point of capture.

Skills Track with MTB Tuition
For the third year in a row – click here for snaps and videos from last year’s action – we are very fortunate to have a fantastic Shoretrax MTB wooden skills track for you all to enjoy. Andy from Mountain Bike Tuition will be on hand to help you if you’ve never experienced a skills track – let alone a wooden track, so this is great opportunity to try something different that has been designed by professional mountain bike riders and inspired by the timber mountain bike trails in Canada. The track will be set up behind the clubhouse where the majority of the fun and games will be taking place, so do join Andy and the Club MTB Coaches before and/ or after your Club Champs events to learn a few skills and have some fun.
Important Note: Any family members (brother, sisters, cousins) who are not current Slipstreamers members wanting to try out the track may do so on the condition a disclaimer and consent form is signed. These will be available on the day and you will not be permitted to ride unless you have provided this if you are not a club member.
Fun and Games Galore
If competition is not your thing, that is absolutely fine and there will be plenty for you and the family to enjoy during the morning. Our Social Secretary and his helpers have – as usual – planned a set of activities behind the clubhouse to keep everyone entertained, including – but not limited to – the following:
- Bike Jenga! If you’ve never tried it, now is your chance.
- Classics such as tug of war, sack races and egg & spoon races.
- Bike relays
- Cyclo-cross and MTB skills
- And much much more…
Zwift Hill Climb
We will be running a Zwift turbo session in the classroom around 1.30pm, so be there to give it a go. You will ride up a 1/2 mile King of the Mountain stage and we will record your times. Have more than one go to get a PB! Note that we can only accommodate 650 and 700c road wheels. Anything smaller won’t fit the turbo. Riders will need their own bike, but we will supply turbo skewers if needed.
Food Glorious Food!
There will be a canteen operating inside the Clubhouse, serving tea, coffee and juices; healthy snacks and treats; as well as fresh samosas for lunch. For those who prefer something hot off the grill and a bit more meaty, there will also be a BBQ on the go outside the clubhouse. Alternatively, do bring your own picnic and feel free to enjoy this whilst watching all the activities!
Used Kit Jumble Sale
We will be putting out some kit that has been donated to the club over the years. This will include some branded Slipstreamers kit as well as various other bits we have in stock. Do bring some cash (no cards!) and hopefully you’ll find something you fancy!
What is the Schedule for the Day?
This is an ALL DAY EVENT with activities spread out to ensure everyone gets a go and has a great time. Saturday is going to be super busy, with lots going on. Our aim is to keep things within a schedule, and as such we’ve planned the day accordingly, but if things do run behind or are delayed we thank you in advance for your patience!
Please make sure you are clear on the time slots and what to expect, and parents do kindly pass this information onto our members – they are the ones who need to know what is happening!
Running Order & Event Times - Click to Expand
Sign On. ALL AGES – 08:15 – 09:25Allow enough time to get signed on, fit a transponder, be gear checked and get to your event in good time. |
Warm-Up for all ages interested Meet front of Clubhouse |
8:30am to 9:20am |
What Else Is On?Shoretrax Skills Track Bike Jenga, Tug of War, Relay Races, & Games Galore! MTB & Cyclo-Cross Skills Zwift Hill Climb BBQ, Canteen IMPORTANTMake sure you are well fed and watered before the session, dressed accordingly for the weather, and most importantly HAVE FUN! |
Briefing and Welcome ALL Ages – Front of Clubhouse |
9:30am | |
Club Champs – Time Trials Event |
Time Trial (I): U6 / U8 3 laps – 1km Medium Loop |
Start-Line: 9:35am |
Time Trial (II): U10 5 laps – 1km Medium Loop |
Start-Line: 10am |
Time Trial (III): U12 / U14 / U16 16 laps – 1km Medium Loop |
Start-Line: 10:30am First Rider: 10.45am |
Club Champs – Skills Challenge Event
1pm – 3.15pm |
Pack up and clear away | 3.30pm |
All Hands on Deck – Parent Volunteers Needed
We will need as much help as possible from parents and guardians throughout the session to support activities such as setting up the skills courses, timing and recording for the skills challenge, holding up limbo poles; as well as helping with getting the skills track built, setting up the fun and games behind the clubhouse, and any other jobs that need doing. If there are any parents out there who enjoy things like face painting and want to get creative on the day, do let us know and we’d be happy for you to do this on the day. We will also need a few helpers to support the canteen inside and the barbecue team will also need assistance outside. There is no need to email us in advance – when you turn up on Saturday, simply let us know you’re available to help and we’ll delegate accordingly.
Parents – we’d like to remind you that this is a children’s competition, and as such we’d appreciate your support in keeping things friendly and stress-free for all our young people to enjoy and have fun. Family Fun Day is all about having a good time, getting to know fellow members, and keeping in the spirit of camaraderie and friendship – all the while enjoying a bit of healthy competition with peers. If a member misses the Skills or Time Trials events and cannot attend on Saturday the 15th, there is a second opportunity to do this – click here for a reminder of the remaining 2018 Club Champs dates. Remember that there are 5 events to join in with so don’t be too disheartened if you miss out on any. If this is your first time participating in the Club Championships, be sure to visit this page here to find out more about how the competition works and what it’s all about.
We would love to see you all taking part this year – so participate, give it your best, and let’s all have a good time!
As usual, keep an eye out on Twitter for the latest updates and if you have any questions, please contact the Admin Team.