It’s almost that time of year again when the Slipstreamers Community comes together to host the Hillingdon round of the British Cycling National Youth Circuit Series. This year it’s on the 3rd June 2017, and like last year, we hope to see as MANY of our members racing and/ or volunteering as possible, to help us make it another race-day to remember.
Revisit the 2016 post-race report here with reflections from some of our adult and young volunteers, as well as a few reports from those who raced, to truly appreciate what a great day it is! And if you have a cuppa, sit back and enjoy our photos from last year’s event by clicking here.
Needless to say, we plan on making 2017 bigger and better, so read on for more…
The Races Format
Races will be run in accordance with British Cycling rules, and all riders should ensure they are familiar with these, particularly around gear ratios – if you have any questions, please just ask! The current race schedule is as follows:
National Series Races
Race 1 Under 16 Boys 9.30am 60 mins + 5 laps
- Race 2 Under 16 Girls 11.05am 60 mins + 5 laps
- Race 3 Under 14 Boys 12.40pm 50mins + 5 laps
- Race 4 Under 14 Girls 2.05pm 50mins +5 laps
Support Races
- Race 5 Under 8 3.30pm 5 laps
- Race 6 Under 10 4pm 6 laps
- Race 7 Under 12 4.30pm 10 laps
You can read more at British Cycling National Youth Series.
Have You Entered Yet?
Entries are open on the British Cycling website and will close on the 14th May 2017, so if you haven’t signed up yet what are you waiting for? You can also access the bookings via the Slipstreamers Calendar page.
For the support races in the afternoon, we would encourage as many of you as possible to sign up. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t raced at a “national race” before and this is a fantastic opportunity to do so on your home circuit! Of course, if you really don’t want to race, another great way to get involved is as a young volunteer on the day.
Slipstreamers Volunteers, We Need You!
This is a major event and can only happen with the collective efforts of our amazing volunteers. As ever, this year we need Parents, Friends, Young Volunteers and even Members who aren’t racing to come forward and help us on the day. We can’t do it without you, so please make yourselves known to the Admin Team – any time you can spare will be appreciated and you don’t need to hang around the whole time. Helpers we will need on the day include:
Marshals for some of the races. You don’t need to be available all day or do all of the races, just let us know when you are able to help and we’ll slot you in.
- Car Park Attendants to keep the parking lot under control and guide riders/ spectators to the overflow parking and alternative entrance to the field.
- Runners to ferry race results between the judges hut and admin team, and help with any odd jobs as they come up.
- BBQ Chef/s to look after the barbecue and ensure people are getting fed as required.
- Catering Helpers to help with making hot drinks and assisting the catering team as required.
- And anything else that comes up at the time!
If you’d like to volunteer for any of the above roles, or even just be a general helper, please get in touch or talk to us and we’ll ensure you are assigned to the right person for further details. Even just an hour or two of your time will make a difference, and will help us make sure the 2017 round of the Nationals is a great success!
Further Updates…
Keep an eye on the News Hub and of course watch Twitter regularly. As we ramp up to the Nationals in July we’ll create a dedicated section on the website with all the information you need to know.