At the end of each year, our Coaches put their reflection caps on and nominate Slipstreamers – boy and girl – who have demonstrated consistent progress and improvement throughout the year, in 3 categories: Most Improved Road Rider, Most Improved Mountain Biker, and Most Improved Racer. These awards recognise Slipstreamers who have taken on board feedback and noticeably grown throughout the year, showing commitment and a willingness to learn and progress; and were announced at the annual awards presentations and Xmas party in December.
As voted by the Coaches, we present to you the 2015 Most Improved Slipstreamers… Scroll down to view and click on the toggle to read a few words from our winners.
Most Improved Road Riders

Elizabeth Marvelly, U14

Zayd Khan, U6
Most Improved Mountain Bikers

Caitlyn Taylor, U10
How did it feel winning your award Caitlyn? I felt ecstatic about winning the award for most improved mountain biker. Also I didn’t know that I was going to get it.
What do you think has helped you grow and develop into a better mountain biker this year? I think that overcoming my fear of hills has helped me in my mountain biking. Also doing the ramps has helped.
What has been your favourite mountain biking experience this year as a Mudslinger? My favourite experience this year has been doing ramps all the time.{ small and big}
What do you love the most about mountain biking? I love that I get muddy all the time. I also love that its sometimes harder for me to complete it. I also love that sometimes it is so much fun.
Runner Up - Kim Bowler, U8

How did it feel winning your award Jack? I felt really excited, at first I thought it was someone else and looked around the room for another Jack, I couldn’t believe it.
What do you think has helped you grow and develop into a better mountain biker this year? The skills lessons at Dews Farm and Slipstreamers really helped me to get better on my bike.
What has been your favourite mountain biking experience this year as a Mudslinger? The first time I won the race at the end of the day and when I got my Bronze medal.
What do you love the most about mountain biking? What I like most about mountain biking is going off road and going down steep hills. I also like riding on the wooden planks.
Runner Up - Samuel Oloyede, U8
Most Improved Racers

Zoe Brookes, U14
What do you think has made you grow and develop into a better racer this year Zoe? I have had a great year, a lot of this has been down to all the help I have had off people!! I am really grateful for all the help and support I have had.
What would you say to other aspiring racers, or fellow members just starting out racing? To anyone thinking about starting racing- give it a go!! It can be hard but it is very rewarding. Especially at the start, you have to really stick with it as it is can be difficult to keep up but you will learn to stay in the bunch!!

Seth Kanaris, U14
What do you think has made you grow and develop into a better racer this year? All the coaching I have received, all the riding I have done with friends, all the opportunities such as RSR’s, and of course all the racing itself has all fused together to make me a better racer. I also get a fresh wave of inspiration whenever I see the pros racing, but I must say that Aaron Gwin’s win without a chain at Leogang was just super awesome to watch and an inspiration to never give up!
What would you say to other aspiring racers, or fellow members just starting out racing? Just keep trying your best, and you will one day look back and realise you have actually come a long way since you started. It doesn’t matter if you don’t podium – what matters most is that you tried, enjoyed the ride, and keep learning from each race!
Well done all of you, and thank you for your wonderful words! If you didn’t win an award this year keep riding, keep racing, and don’t stop learning from each experience – you will only keep improving if you keep cycling!
Do visit the Slipstreamers in Action section of our News Hub for more fantastic reports from our wonderful young writers and cycling adventurers!