YVs get to help with rides like Niall, run sign-on like Callum, fix a flat like Seth, support First Aid like Elizabeth, judge races like Ella, Ellen, Callum & Ciaran… YVs make a difference!
If you are 14+ (or thereabouts), have you considered joining the British Cycling Young Volunteer award scheme, further details of which can be found on the BC website here? The programme helps you learn the fundamentals of volunteering through loads of practical and hands on opportunities that will help you grow your leadership and communication skills; working towards a Bronze, Silver, Gold, and ultimately Platinum Award. At age 16, you will be eligible to apply to become a British Cycling Level 1 Coach, an opportunity that has been taken up by a few of our Slipstreamers members.

Young Volunteers also get the chance to experience the Youth Sports Trust National Talent Camp!
As a YV, you will also receive free branded volunteer clothing, certificates, memberships, among other wonderful freebies from BC! But of course, most importantly, you will be receiving the full support of the team at Slipstreamers every step of the way; including the benefit of the experience of our current Young Volunteers at the club, whom we have no doubt will be a useful point of reference should you need it – check out some of their stories.
It is worth nothing that if you are also partaking in (or planning to) the Duke of Edinburgh Award, the volunteer hours you spend as a BC YV can also count towards this. Moreover, we have heard from university and college lecturers that applicants to their courses who have taken part in volunteering schemes such as this are generally looked upon quite favourably, especially when they are faced with having to filter through reams of applications for entries! We would highly encourage you sign up for this scheme, which you can complete at your own pace (there is really no pressure or time limit!), and which will only benefit you in the long run!
There is NO cost for you to sign up, and if you are interested, there is now an opportunity to participate in an introductory workshop for new YVs that will be delivered by BC officials at the Go-Ride Conference on Saturday 12th March in Reading (a number of Slipstreamers will be attending so we hope to see you there!). Click here for full details and booking information. This workshop is the first step towards becoming a YV, and everything is explained to you in great detail during the session. Even if you don’t intend to volunteer for a few months yet, it is still worth attending the workshop as they don’t happen often! Equally, if you aren’t able to attend the conference in Reading, there are alternative venues to choose from. Once you have booked your place, please let Asti (your Young Volunteer Co-Ordinator) know.