By Seth Kanaris, U14 Slipstreamers Mudslinger

Yup, that’s me doing a TT..
“For me, it’s all about the Mountain Biking (MTB). I think I have always preferred the thrill of ripping down a trail and being in the air as opposed to smashing a personal best round a circuit – respect to those who have the power for it, but it’s never really been my cup of tea (although I do see the value of it for fitness and endurance, hence doing the TT’s myself of late!).

Aston Hill Black Run Race
Not too long ago, I started getting into downhill, predominantly influenced by – I would say – watching lots of videos (such as the entire series of “This is Peaty”, “Where the Trail Ends”, and especially Red Bull Rampage 2014, to name just a few). Then, after a ride at Aston Hill in Aylesbury with a friend, I realised how much fun it was – but, equally, and especially, how much I needed to improve my MTB skills!! So at his recommendation, I started doing Ian Warby’s Junior DeVo courses. After my first session, I very vividly remember how excited I was after actually learning to jump and go off drops properly; but it also dawned on me how sketchy I actually was!
Now, fast-forward a few months, lots of training and riding whenever I get the chance to get on my mountain bike, I’ve made the podium in my first ever DH race, I can actually clear stuff (anyone who has ever seen the photo of the hole in my knee will appreciate that being able to jump properly helps!), and I can even do one handers! Of course, I still crash here and there (as I did at the recent National in Devon – full experience here – who doesn’t!), but I think it goes without saying that I would still be struggling down the red run like I did a few months ago on my Specialized Hardrock, and certainly not enjoying the more technical aspects of the recent MTB XC races that seems to be the norm, if it wasn’t for the skills I’ve picked up in this discipline.

Southern XC at Crow Hill
But what if your ambition is to become a top XC racer, or even a better road cyclist? Now, I’m definitely not the best XC racer out there, let alone an expert on how to be a better cyclist; but after only getting into racing this year, and based on my performance and skills last year, what I can definitly attest to first hand is that if it wasn’t for these new MTB skills, I would be a lot scrawnier than I currently am and I would definitely be struggling at the XC races a lot more, especially through the techy bits.
Even my parentals (read Mum) have gotten over the initial “fear” of what downhill MTB entails, and realised the benefits it has brought to me as a cyclist in general. In fact, some of the most famous and best road/ track cyclists have come from a MTB background, giving them the skills most single discipline riders don’t have!
So whilst I think that downhill MTB is not only great fun for people like me who love it more than any other discipline, and I would say that it could benefit you in many other disciplines as well; I get it’s not everyone’s cup of tea :-). But I would recommend that whether it’s DH or XC, or just wanting to be a better cyclist, how about giving mountain biking a go – who knows, you might find that you really do love it!! And who knows where it may lead…”