BC’s John Mills presenting Hannah with her Gold CAYV
Hannah Keating’s efforts a BC Young Volunteer were recognised at the Central Region British Cycling Conference on Sunday March 14th 2015, where she was presented with her Gold Award for Young Volunteering. Hannah tells us a bit more about why she volunteers, and her day at the Conference…
“I started as a Young Volunteer at Slipstreamers two years ago now in 2013. Apart from the competitive side of racing, I also wanted to give volunteering a go and ‘give back’ something to the club, which has supported me and so many other young people throughout the years. During the course of these two years, I have completed my Bronze, Silver and Gold British Cycling Young Volunteering Awards – of which I received my gold award the other day at the Go-ride Conference in Reading.
I have thoroughly enjoyed volunteering at the club, which has allowed me to get to know everyone involved with the club better too, as well as learn many valuable skills for the future, such as leadership and perseverance. The coaches have all been very supportive and I would highly recommend any other young people to do it as well. Even if you’re committed to racing and would not particularly think of yourself doing something like this, it would be highly beneficial and a great experience.

Dave, Alison & Hannah
At the conference in Reading, I took part in the ‘Existing Young Volunteers’ workshop, which I found very interesting and helpful for learning about how Young Volunteers can make a difference to the club. We also were informed of how far British Cycling has come over the past years and that cycling is a sport which is growing dramatically throughout the country by the day! We also had a chance to feedback and raise any problems/queries that we had and talked about what was proposed to happen in the future, for the sustainability and improvement of British Cycling. This varied from accessibility, to venues, to over subscription, to training of coaches – all of which would therefore have a direct impact on cycling clubs i.e. HSS. I felt proud representing HSS, alongside with many others who were also taking part in other workshops, and receiving awards with Dave and Alison.
In the future I intend to carry on with my volunteering at Slipstreamers and I wish to apply possibly for the British Cycling National Youth Forum next year, which will extend my involvement in British Cycling to a National scale – which previously Hannah Gunn has also taken part in.
I would like to thank everyone for giving me this opportunity and I am very grateful for everything that club has done for me!”
Well done Hannah!
Do visit the Volunteering category on the right to read reports from our 2 other winners, Club Chair Alison Grant and Head Coach Dave George.