… this time for the Central Region, as presented at the British Cycling Conference on Sunday March 14th 2015. Dave tells us about his day…

BC’s John Mills with Dave
“March is always the real start of the year for me. The weather gets better, the days longer, events of both on-the bike and off-the bike start. And of course, I start to get busy. This March was no exception. March the 15th 2015 gave me the following clashes:
- Mother’s Day
- The Peter Young Memorial Road Race
- Central Region Go-Ride Conference
The latter (sorry Mum!) was my choice. The Go-Ride conference is a chance to meet with British Cycling and other Go-Ride clubs and officials in very relaxed environment. We get the chance to learn of future BC plans, have a forum in which we can feedback successes and failures, and for coaches a chance to extend our own knowledge through CPD (Continuous Personal Development) workshops.
The conference always starts with the numbers, and this year was no exception. See the infographic for a feel of how Go-Ride clubs contribute to the overall success of the organisation. The big number of cycling opportunities for young riders at ½ a million is stunning. Within Slipstreamers, we generate over 6000 opportunities alone by providing cycling for over 100 young people every week, 52 weeks of the year with just our Saturday sessions. Add in the racing events we put on throughout the year, and our tally goes even higher. The national average of opportunities provided by all clubs is almost 1400 – so we as a club contribute to a large piece of that statistic!

Dave with Alison & Hannah. Visit “Volunteering” on the right to read their reports!
The conference always ends with volunteer awards for people who have been recognised for contributing to the success of British Cycling Go-Ride clubs. For myself, it was a real honour to represent Slipstreamers by collecting the 2014 Coach of the Year Award for Central, and to stand alongside both Alison and Hannah as they collected theirs.
It’s fantastic to be recognised with an award – especially when you know of other amazing and deserving volunteers who give their time and energy to the success of cycling at a youth level. To gain an award for something I enjoy so much, and give my time so freely to, does feel a bit like I’m cheating. However, every award or recognition we receive reinforces the fact that Slipstreamers is the biggest, best, friendliest and engaging sports club around.
Let’s all continue improving together to continue to be a role model for both community and sporting success.”
Thanks for being such an awesome Coach Dave – we are very privileged to have you and are all quite proud of you!
Don’t forget to visit the Volunteering category on the right to read reports from our 2 other winners, Young Volunteer Hannah Keating and Club Chairman Alison Grant.