You asked for it in the recent survey Members, and our fabulous coaches are making it happen. Aren’t they just the best?! A series of 6 cyclo-cross coaching sessions will be delivered to those of you who are interested, with the very first session commencing next weekend, on Saturday 18 October 2014. This session will run at the same time as the Club Champs Road Race event, so there will be plenty of opportunity either before or after your road race to drop in and find out more.

On the 18th, you will be introduced to cyclo-cross, where you will learn what cyclo-cross is, what bikes and clothing are suitable, internet links to watch videos to learn more, and there will be demonstrations and practice of some of the skills needed in a cyclo-cross race. Throughout the 6 sessions you will learn the following techniques: starting a race, cornering in a cyclo-cross race, dismounting, running with your bike, carrying a bike, running mount, track stand, front wheel and back wheel lift, running over an object. By the end of the 6 sessions you will have the necessary knowledge and skills to compete in both go-cross and cyclo-cross events, which are run throughout the year.

Most of the coaching sessions will be conducted behind the clubhouse on the flat. Each session will finish with a cyclo-cross race. For these sessions most bikes are suitable, including road bikes, so don’t worry if you don’t have a cyclo-cross bike! It is important to note, though, that road racing style cleats are not suitable as they are hard to get in and out of. Mountain bike style cleats are better and are actually used by cyclo-cross riders. If you prefer, no cleats are also acceptable, so feel free to put flat pedals on your bikes.

This promises to be a fun, challenging and exciting training event at Slipstreamers! Many road cyclists find that the added skills learned from cyclo-cross actually help their road racing skills, so we do hope you’ll give it a go if you’ve never tried it before.

If you are intrigued, but aren’t sure what cyclo-cross is all about, do read this excellent overview on the BC website. Alternatively, feel free to email us if you have any questions about cyclo-cross in general.

NOTE: For further details regarding the session on the 18th October, do keep an eye out for next week’s newsletter, where we will provide you with all you need to know therein on what to expect, where to go, and so on – please don’t email us for this information just yet!