Thank You To the Parents & Volunteers Who Cleared the Track Edges…
Further to our thank you note in last week’s issue to those parents who helped out previously by brandishing shovels and spending the session digging, sweeping and generally tidying up the edges of the circuit; please note the following email sent in by Ian Why from the HCC Users Group:
Dear Slipstreamer Helpers/Parents,
I would like to take this opportunity too thank every one involved in clearing the track edges of grass. I know how hard it is having once cleared the home straight from the corner to the apron. Once was enough! When I saw someone had started to clear the section on the corner of the home straight I mistakenly thought it had been started by the council’s contractors as they had cut the undergrowth back opposite the clubhouse. I had discussed doing this with the LBH representative at a site meeting I had with her about a month ago and thought that was quick. I should have known better!! I will endeavour to get the contractors to spay weedkiller on the track edges to, hopefully, stop any regrowth.
Once again thank you very much. Keep up the good work!
Ian Why, Site Manager, Hillingdon Cycle Circuit Users Group
A MASSIVE THANK YOU once again from all of us!