Race Day 1 – Saturday 7th June

This Saturday is the first Race Day at Slipstreamers! You’ve asked for it riders, and now you’ve got it! The coaches have been very busy planning and setting up, and we are all looking forward to a very busy exciting morning at the club. The aim of race day is to let everyone have the experience of taking part in British Cycling race type conditions. Yes – there will be gear checks! And when you are not racing, you will be kept busy with your coaches doing a variety of activites, so rest assured you won’t be bored. It is also a great way for parents to try their hand at judging – so if you are around on Saturday parents/ guardians, please step up and make yourself known if you would like to contribute!

And now for the important bit – please read the following carefully to ensure you understand the order of the morning:

  • Early session: Time Trial practice is on as usual, with early sign on at 8:15am for a 8:30am sharp start!
  • Sign on for the race day: this is as normal, between 9am – 9.30am. You will not be able to sign on after 9.30am, so if you arrive late (unless there are exceptional circumstances), you will not race! Please be prompt and ensure you are ready to ride by 9.35am.
  • Mountain biking: this will be on as normal for those of you who want to ride, but don’t want to race.
  • Race day anticipated itinerary – for those of you will be racing is as follows:
    • Race 1: 09:45am Under 8’s. 20 minutes
    • Race 2: 10:15am Under 10’s. 20 minutes
    • Race 3: 10:45am Under 12’s. 30 minutes
    • Race 4: 11:25am Under 14’s and U16’s. 40 minutes

Coaches will explain everything to you in detail in the morning so ensure you are ready by 9.30am to receive your instructions and avoid confusion. Please do not turn up late! We will, of course, have medals for the 1st place boy/ girl winners in each age!